Today was Tiffin's Color Run.  It was a 5k run where at different stations throughout the path there were volunteers throwing color into the runners/walkers. Our day started at 8 at Hedges Boyer park.  First thing we had to learn the course, it was a little tricky because it overlapped in places and after two laps around one spot they had to go a different way.  After we learned the course we had to start setting up the stations with color, tarps (for easy clean-up), water for the runners, and we had to teach volunteers the course as well as how to throw the color without getting it all over everyone's faces. About 15 minutes before the race started, we had to go set up the road blocks.  This ended up being a huge issue because there were still a ton of people trying to come in but obviously we couldn't have people driving on the race course.  So that was a bit of a challenge for a while.  All in all, it was a pretty cool event and a fun way to kind of kick off my internship.

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