Tennis camp was a HOT one.  I was only able to work the first day of it because I worked the next day.  I know a little about tennis, I played when I was younger but I was still pretty rusty.  Camp was only two hours so nothing super eventful happened.  I taught the youngest kids the basics of tennis and how to use their forehand and their backhand.
The fourth of July was another crazy day for us.  We started setting up around 7am, and then I made posters for donations for next years fireworks.  All of this took until about 10:30 and then we had a break until 2.  From 2-4 Lyndsey and I sat and collected donations from people as they pulled into the park after that we had a short break and my friends were cooking out at the park so I grabbed a bite to eat with them and then went back to working all the games that were going on.  When all the games were done I was able to relax and enjoy the fireworks.